Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Code

LHC Code Of Conduct & Disciplinary Code

Code Of Conduct

The following Code Of Conduct has been written to uphold the aims of Leadenham Hockey Club and to help and protect all players, umpires and spectators involved in the playing of hockey regardless of whether it is in league games, friendly matches or training sessions. It should be read in conjunction with the rules of England Hockey, East Region Hockey Association, the rules of Hockey and the England Hockey Code of Discipline. As a member of Leadenham Hockey Club you are agreeing to abide by this code of conduct.

Each individual is accountable for their own actions. Whether you are playing, watching, coaching, or umpiring any match, it is your responsibility to treat your own team, opposition players, coaches and spectators and the umpires with respect before, during and after the match.

There are additional responsibilities placed on individuals and these are detailed below:

  • Interaction with Umpires:
    • It is important to recognise that a game of hockey cannot take place without the presence of two umpires.
    • Abuse of an umpire whether verbal or physical will not be tolerated. Anyone receiving more than two yellow cards for verbal abuse or dissent will be called before the Disciplinary Committee.
    • Never argue with an umpire. If you have a query, ask your captain to approach the umpire at half time or after the game in a calm and courteous manner to get clarification. Do not pursue the discussions in the changing rooms. Positive discussion between the players and the umpires is actively encouraged during the post match refreshment.


  • Pre game:
    • On match days please arrive at the place stipulated at the correct time, ring the team captain or coach if you think you are going to be late. Make sure you have mobile numbers to contact your team captain or other members of the team and let them know yours so you can be contacted.
    • Do not knock balls up on the side of the pitch when another game is in progress. Warm-up properly before the game and warm down after the game, it prevents injury and contributes to the teams success.


  • During the game:
    • The captain/coach is responsible for the conduct of their team and spectators for the duration of the game. Do not put them under pressure by poor behaviour.
    • Substituted players are expected to act with dignity, and to contribute to the team-mates efforts by supporting their team. If you need to rest to recover from injury or for any other reasons just ask to be substituted, it may help the team and your own performance.
    • During the captains/coaches team talks have the courtesy to listen to what is being said. They only have a few minutes to put these points across, please do not interrupt or start rival conversations. Don't criticise or remonstrate with your team-mates, every player has off days it could be you next week, therefore encourage and support.


  • Discipline:
    • This club wants to achieve an exemplary record, and it should go without saying that those who undermine our club efforts in this area are risking their future within the club.
    • We will not tolerate players regularly getting carded or sent off. It gets the club a bad name and contrary to what some might believe, it does not help us win matches.
    • We expect umpires to be treated with respect before, during and after the game.
    • If for any reason a player is sent off with a yellow card they should leave the pitch quickly and under control, so that the game can be restarted without undue delay. You are required to stay in the area designated by the umpire and sit quietly and take time to reflect on your actions, take your punishment and learn from it.
    • Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated by the club. Unprovoked aggression, intimidation and verbal abuse are not acceptable at this club.
    • If any member feels that they have been abused in any of the above ways by another club member or a player or official from another club or organisation then they must contact a club captain or member of the committee as soon as possible.


  • Spectators:
    • Parents, ex-players, friends and others are always welcome to attend matches. Show respect for your team-mates, opponents and the umpires, without them there would be no game. Respect the umpire's decisions and positively support your own team and remember nobody makes a mistake on purpose, positive encouraging comments can be motivational.


  • Post-game:
    • Warm down and stay together as a team regardless of the result. It helps with any following matches if you do this off the playing area.
    • Do not approach the umpires and opponents on the pitch immediately after the game in an aggressive or abusive manner.
    • At the end of the game always thank the umpires and shake hands with your opponents.
    • Try to get back to the club or pub for refreshments and encourage the opposition to come back also. This is the best time to seek clarification with umpires as mentioned earlier. Try to speak to members of the other team; you make good friends that way.


  • Communication:
    • It is far less hassle for many to make one phone call than for one to make many. Please keep the captain/coach informed of your availability.


  • General:
    • If you think there's a lot of responsibility spread around a small number of people, you are right. If anyone would like to volunteer for any job within the club , your offer would be gratefully received.
    • Please make all new members feel welcome.
  • Fees:
    • Weekly fees should be paid to the club without them having to come looking for the money. It is your responsibility to seek them out and pay, not for them to chase you; it should not be considered a game to avoid payment.
    • Membership must be paid by the 1st September or within a month of joining the club, this is to cover players for their membership to the club as well as their insurance, you need to pay this to play hockey.

All personal data required by the club for you to play will be used to keep you safe whilst playing hockey, we will not share this with any other club members, only those that must have access to the data. This is required of all players currently playing at the club and we will only keep your data whilst you are actively playing at the club. Children under the age of 15 need to have a parent or guardian sign them up to the club to provide the necessary personal data. If there is any breach of this data the committee shall report this breach to the ICO as per the guidance of England Hockey.

And finally, people play hockey for a variety of reasons and have different views, aims and ambitions - please respect these. Enjoy yourself, that's why we play. We want to win but we also want to win fairly.

Disciplinary Code

Leadenham Hockey Club has established and wishes to maintain a good disciplinary record. Despite ever-increasing pressures in hockey the club is committed to maintaining that record.

The disciplinary code provides formal action to be taken for a failure to meet the standards expected in respect of etiquette, behaviour and conduct. This applies both during matches and at all other times when representing the club, or being seen to represent the club.

The award of red card or three yellow cards in a season will require a player to appear before the Disciplinary committee which comprises of three people: The Club President, either the Men’s or Ladies representative and one of the club coaches.


The Disciplinary Committee meeting will be convened within 7 days of the red card or final yellow card being awarded. In the case of a red card the procedures and sanctions laid down by England Hockey, and approved by Lincolnshire Hockey Association, will apply.

Captains are reminded that they are responsible for the behaviour of all their team players. Captains are required to record the awarding of cards and the details of the offence committed. These details will be reported to the Disciplinary Committee as required.

The procedures of the Disciplinary Committee are:

  1. The member concerned will be advised of the matters or allegations in writing prior to the meeting.
  2. If a player is asked to appear they may bring along another member to speak on their behalf or as an observer to put any facts before the Disciplinary Committee.
  3. Both the player and the Disciplinary Committee may call witnesses as appropriate to attend the disciplinary hearing.
  4. The hearing will be adjourned to enable a decision to be reached;this will include consideration of the players’ previous disciplinary record. On the same date, wherever possible, the players will be informed verbally of the decision and reasons given on how the decision has been reached. If any disciplinary action is to be taken, the player will be informed in writing within 5 days of the hearing. This will include details of the players’ right to appeal which will be heard by three remaining members of the executive committee.
  5. Minutes of meetings held will be recorded and these will be available for inspection by the member, on written request, where these relate to decisions concerning the member.
  6. The decisions of the Disciplinary Committee will be final, subject to the right of appeal laid out in the England Hockey Disciplinary Code.


The Disciplinary Committee can impose any penalty that it considers appropriate including a recommendation to the Executive Committee that the member be expelled from the Club. Such penalties may include:

  • Verbal warning (formal or informal)
  • Written warning
  • Suspension from playing
  • Suspension of membership of the club for a period of time to be defined
  • Recommendation to the Executive Committee of expulsion from the club
  • No further action

All penalties may have conditions attached at the discretion of the Disciplinary Committee. The club will keep general behaviour under review as necessary. Hockey is a social sport to be enjoyed by all so please use your common sense.

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Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about our club either as a player, official or coach.

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