Travel and Safeguarding Policy

Transporting children and young people in private cars; a safeguarding perspective


It is important to understand that whilst safeguarding focuses on protecting the young and the vulnerable it also provides guidance about how we should consider our own behaviour when enjoying social time with young people, so that the possibility of our intentions being misunderstood is hopefully eliminated.

For these reasons the club committee recommend the following guidelines when transporting junior members, under 18, other than their own children.

· Junior members should always travel in the back of the car.

· Where possible there should be two adults in the car.

· The responsible parent/carer should know who their child/young person is travelling with.

· The best possible situation is for the responsible parent/carer to transport the child/young person.

· No club member should feel pressured into providing transport for a child/young person.

· Please ensure that somebody in the team has the emergency contact details for each of the children/young people travelling and/or playing with the team.

If you are dropping a child/young person off or saying goodbye to them after coaching them, please make sure that they leave with a parent or carer.

It is our intention through this document to make senior club members aware of strategies to ensure that children/young people enjoy their time at the club by minimising the possibilities for the comments or actions of adults to be misunderstood and thereby create an awkward situation.

Thank you to all members who take the time and trouble to support our young members in so many ways.


If you have any concerns or questions please speak to one of the club's Welfare Officers.

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